Podcastmania: Sci-Fi and Horror

If I was better at planning I would have published this last month… but I’m not, also there is more sci-fi than horror, so let’s pretend that is why. Unusually there are only four podcasts reviews in this post, but I think you could argue that The Penumbra Podcast count as two, since it has two very different storylines.

Marvel's "Wolverine: The Lost Trail"

Marvel’s Wolverine has two season, season one is The Long Night and season two is The Lost Trail. The podcast follows Wolverine with each season being its own self-contained story. In season one Wolverine is suspected of being involved in some mysterious deaths in Alaska, and in season two people are going missing in New Orleans. I’d recommend it if you’re into Marvel, or X-Men, or Wolverine …also Richard Armitage is the voice of Wolverine, and I really like his voice (so that’s another great reason to listen), there is apparently going to be more of a Marvel Podcast Universe, but I think I’ll just stick to Wolverine.

STARTRIPPER!! — L Jeffrey Moore

StarTripper!! is a show I adore for it’s lightheartedness and the general adventurous feel. It kicks off with the main character, Feston, leaving his boring life behind to go exploring the stars. He doesn’t really have a plan, he just wants adventure (and don’t we all want to do that sometimes). I love that it always leaves me in a good mood, and I love Feston, he’s such a positive and uplifting character. I think it’s really lovely. I recommend it to someone looking for light-hearted sci-fi podcast.

The Penumbra Podcast on Podimo

The Penumbra Podcast is one of my favourite podcasts, although I’m sure by now that you know that I have many favourites. It mostly takes place in two different universe, one is a sci-fi universe, were we follow Juno Steel, a private detective on Mars, and are given a new take on the detective noir genre. The other universe is the fantasy world of the Second Citadel, and it has all that the heart desires in knights and monsters, and they still manage to tell the stories in a new. That is what stands out to me most about The Penumbra Podcast, they always manage to tell their stories in new and surprising ways.

The Magnus Archives - Podcast – Podtail

The Magnus Archives scares me, and I probably shouldn’t listen to it, (and I can’t blame Hunter, because I found it on my own,) but it’s just so interesting. It’s a horror podcast, and one of those “monster-of-the-week” kind of horror shows, which scares me even more, than horror shows with more focus on the overarching story, so listening to it is kind of difficult for me …but at least Hunter has finally gotten farther than me, so she can warn me about, which parts of an episode it would be better for me to skip. The framing of these monster-of-the-week stories is that the head archivist (usually) to get the archive in order reads out or takes a witness statements. As the seasons progresses, things are converging into an overarching story arch, but the focus is still mainly on the various statement in the episodes. Would recommend if you’re into horror. (for Hunter’s perspective on this podcast and many more spooky podcasts see the two post she made the 19th and 28th October)

The next you’ll see from me will be advent posts, I’m looking forward to this year’s theme.

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