About the Blog

Welcome to Our Thoughts in Transit! This is a blog about religion in (pop)culture. We will be blogging about religion in fandom and culture (books, tv, movies, podcast, anything really) and knowing us there will probably be some digressions along the way. So join us as we (re)watch, read, and listen our way through our favourite fandoms and discuss religion, theories, fandoms, write reviews, and whatever randomness catch our interest.

Why “Our Thoughts in Transit” you may ask? Well, one, we came up with the idea for this blog on a train, and two, Sunny and Hunter both tend to do their best thinking “in transit” be it waiting for the bus, biking through the city, on the way to dream land, etc. etc. You get the point I’m sure, dear reader, so enjoy our little slice of the Internet, and hopefully our random ramblings will be funny and interesting enough for you to stop by again and again.


Who is doing the thinking? 

Hi there! We are two women who from this point in time shall be known to you as SassySunshiny and NarnianHunter (or Sunny and Hunter to our friends). Somehow we both ended up studying English and the Study of Religions at the same university, and before that we spent 3 years within a distance of 200 yards from each other but never met (aka we went to different High Schools right across the street from each other). Fast-forward 5 years and we were both writing our theses on some variation of Christian motifs in English fantasy literature.


Sunny is an avid reader and a bit of a daydreamer with a love for both the weird and strange, and the funny and fluffy. She loves spending her free time reading fantasy books and listening to (too many) podcasts. How many is too many you ask, currently she is subscribing to 50+ podcasts. She likes sharing her interests and if she could she would convert all her friends to her favourite fandoms. Coincidentally she may have been the one to suggest that Hunter listen to podcasts (‘just this single one, pleeeease’)

When she first read Harry Potter as a child she dreamt about being a Gryffindor, but when she actually sat down and thought about the different house values she realized that she was a Hufflepuff. Her bookshelves contain a mixture of fantasy, classics, crime, mythology and comics with the occasional impulse-buy book thrown in the mix.

5 fandoms she loves: Sherlock Holmes (in all it’s many incarnations), anything by Neil Gaiman, His Dark Materials, Welcome to Night Vale and the Discworld.


Hunter is a bit of a weird one and loves to ramble on and on about stuff. She tends to get lost in her own little world of books, TV shows, movies, and podcasts. Where Sunny is a scaredy cat, Hunter is made of tougher stuff, she has no problem watching horror movies or listening to The NoSleep Podcast. She blames Sunny for her slight podcast addiction, but secretly she is very happy to have discovered shows like Welcome to Night Vale, Lore, and The NoSleep Podcast. (Reaction from Sunny: “really is it “slight” …says the huge addict”. And on that note Hunter would like to mention that she is only subscribed to 24 podcasts at the moment).

Hunter is a walking encyclopedia of Supernatural and Lord of the Rings trivia and knows way too much about Narnia and it’s symbolism. She reads a lot and has a wide-ranging taste in books, but usually she sticks with the classics; fantasy, sci-fi, and spy novels. Just like Sunny, Hunter used to think that she was a Gryffindor, but over the years, and the countless re-reads of the books, she came to realise, how annoying she found the whole “let’s just rush in to danger”-thing and now she proudly wears those lovely Slytherin colours.

5 fandoms she loves: Supernatural, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Star Trek (primarily TOS and AOS) and Hawaii Five-0 (Curveball, I know).