Bram’tober: Dracula

Finally, I have reached the novel Bram Stoker is most famous for; Dracula. Everybody has probably heard about Dracula, and it hardly feels like it needs any introduction. The first time, I read it, I did not have a lot of expectations to the story, except (you know) vampires, and I was a bit sceptical at the beginning, because I could not quite figure out what was happening. Although, once I got further into the story, I was hooked and I ended up absolutely loving it.

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Bram’tober: The Short Stories

I think most of the short stories are way better than The Jewel of the Seven Stars and Lair of the White Worm (It’s hard to be worse than the White Worm). Mostly they are rather good, some of them are really bad (but at least they are short.) Minor spoiler below

Dracula’s Guest

Summary: Tourist refuses to listen to local people’s warnings about going to explore a village that is very obviously haunted. In consequence stuff happens.

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Bram’tober: Jewels and Worms

I am reading Dracula and other horror stories by Bram Stoker this month, to be honest I did not know that Bram Stoker had written any other stories beside Dracula. Since there is a lot to review and time is a finite thing, the reviews will be fairly short. I will start with the two not-Dracula novels; The Jewel of the Seven Stars and The Lair of the White Worm. (Some spoilers below)

The Jewel of the Seven Stars

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